Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Group Wasap Kelas Darjah 1

Cikgu Kelas : Perhatian! Esok Bawa Pensel Warna

Mak 1 : Ok Cikgu. TQ

Mak 2 : Brand apa pun tak kisah kan cikgu pensel warna nya?

Ayah 3 : Cikgu, boleh minta jadual. Jadual anak saya hilang

Mak 1 : Saya ada letak jadual dalam beg sekolah anak saya. Tapi anak saya cakap Jenah koyakkan. Bukan marah, tapi saya sedih sangat sebab anak saya baik tak pernah kacau orang. Kat rumah dia selalu tolong kemas stor dan cuci pinggan mangkuk. Harap parents lain dapat nasihatkan anak-anak ye

Ayah 4 : Saya Ayah Jenah. Jenah cakap dia tak buat

Mak 1 : Jadi Encik Ingat saya buat ceritalah? Saya tak kisah pun tapi saya tahu anak saya macam mana. Jangan ingat saya tak tahu apa jadi kat sekolah. Anak saya selalu balik mengadu macam-macam

Ayah 4 : Saya Mak Jenah. Hei perempuan! Cakap elok sikit kuhajor pftttq you!!

Mak 5 : Open Order Karipap Frozen Janda Belakang Rumah. Satu paket RM10

Mak 6 : Cikgu nanti Sabtu sekolah cuti kan?

Mak 7 : Sent Voicemail

Mak 7 : Sent Voicemail

Mak 7 : Sorry anak main phone

Mak 7 : This message has been deleted

Mak 8 : Cikgu pensel box anak saya hilang nanti tolong carikan satu kelas ye. TQ

Ayah 8 : Maaf saya Ayah Hamzah. Hamzah cakap Cikgu kelas baik orangnya. Macam bekas isteri saya. Kalau ada masa reply wasap saya ya Cikgu. Bukan apa nak tanya kerja rumah je. Lagipun saya ajak cikgu naik kereta petang tadi cikgu tak nak. Ya saya faham kereta saya kecil tapi percayalah cikgu saya sanggup berusaha lebih demi kita 

Cikgu Kelas : Cikgu Kelas has left the group

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Indian Jews

Two Jewish men, Sid and Al, were sitting in an Indian restaurant in New York. Sid asked Al, 'Are there any Jewish people of our faith born and raised in India?'
Al replied, 'I don't know, let's just ask our waiter.'

When the waiter came by, Al asked him, 'Are there any Indian Jews?'

The waiter said, 'I won't be knowing, but I will ask the chef. After he returned from the kitchen a few minutes later and said, 'No sir, no Indian Jews.'
Al wasn't really satisfied with that and asked, 'Are you absolutely sure?'

The waiter, realizing he was dealing with 'foreigners' gave the expected answer, 'I check again,' and went back into the kitchen.
While the waiter was away in the kitchen, Sid said, 'I find it hard to believe that there are no Jews in India. Our people are scattered everywhere.'

The waiter returned and said, 'The Chef and the Captain my boss and they all say there is no Indian Jews.'
'Are you certain?' Al asked once again, 'I just can't believe there are no Indian Jews!' 
Listen, I asked EVERYONE,' replied the frustrated waiter. 'All we have is Mango Jews, Pineapple Jews, Orange Jews, Coconut Jews & Tomato Jews!   

No Indian Jews OK!!!!!???!!!  🤣🤣🤣